How to become a Member of TANGO

First, an interested organization must have applied and obtained registration from the Ministry of Justice to operate as a charitable organization. With this registration, one can request membership with TANGO as a civil society organization. Alternatively, if one wishes to operate as an NGO in the Gambia, you have to first register with the NGO Affairs Agency which also gives the NGO registration number. Following this, you can also apply to TANGO to become a member. In any case, an organization must have a Tax Identification Number (TIN) Certificate issued by the Gambia Revenue Authority as well as have an organizational bank account, a constitution, and a physical address.

For TANGO membership, in addition to the mentioned items, one also needs to submit an activity, annual and financial reports of your organization. When all the necessary documentation is available, the Secretariat vets them, followed by an assessment exercise that requires visiting your offices and going through a checklist to verify the information provided. The completed assessment report is now submitted to the Board for consideration and finally to the Annual General Meeting where the members finally approve membership. Upon receipt of membership approval, the Secretariat will inform the new member and issue a certificate of membership. Once a member, you are required to submit annual and audited financial reports to TANGO.